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Facebook Statuses Like For A

Social media is an important marketing and promotional tool for businesses. They and other organizations use the Facebook status -- as well as tweets and posting to other social media (LinkedIn, for example) -- as part of their promotional and marketing efforts.

We hope this article helped you learn how to embed Facebook status posts in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to create an email newsletter and the best WordPress Facebook plugins to grow your blog.

Facebook Statuses Like For A

This isn't the first time a Facebook status update has gone viral. Less than a year ago, the bra color Facebook status update went viral, also in support of raising breast cancer awareness. Another famous viral status update was "Sometimes I just want to copy," which spread on both Twitter and Facebook.

Facebook was under fire for making its process of taking down a photo, comment or like rather convoluted. The same applied to those who wanted to delete their account altogether and might unknowingly leave a digital footprint, such as a message sent to someone still active on the platform.

If you prefer to use Facebook on the web, perhaps because you like a larger screen on which to see content and a full-size keyboard to type out your posts, the following is how to delete a bunch of old posts.

Social media has become mainly about validation. We feel better about ourselves when someone likes our posts or photos---and we feel terrible when our posts get negative reactions, or worse, completely ignored.

If it happens more than once, it can get downright frustrating. You did your best to come up with a post and yet nobody appreciated your efforts. What should you do when your Facebook statuses get zero likes, or much fewer than you expected?

Make sure your friends list mostly consists of people you actually know or at least share similar interests. While it might look cool that you're friends with a famous local celebrity, there is a slim chance that they will like or comment on your posts.

If they like your public post, it will show up on their friends' feeds. And this might change their public image. It's best to post your views in a non-aggressive and gentle way that won't offend anyone.

If you're posting videos on Facebook, it's best to upload the video to Facebook instead of sharing its YouTube link. Native videos start playing automatically when the user scrolls through their feed (unless specifically disabled) and they play inside the app itself instead of redirecting you to the YouTube app. This is why native videos get more likes than YouTube videos on Facebook.

If you only open Facebook to post something and don't interact with others, they will start avoiding you. If you think this might be the reason why you aren't getting any likes on Facebook, learn to reciprocate.

Scroll through your feed and if you find something interesting, you can go ahead and like it and also post a comment. This will build your community presence and people will interact with your posts more.

However, non-business pages can also promote their posts. Facebook knows that everyone wants an audience for their posts and limits your audience, forcing many people to pay for more views. If you want to reach more people and gain more followers, you can place sponsored posts that will be visible to thousands of people and will generate likes, comments, and shares.

Check your recent posts and see which posts got the most likes. This will help you understand your audience. If all your friends are meat-eaters and you've been sharing vegan recipes, this can be a reason for the lack of likes on your posts.

If your Facebook friends don't share your interests, it will be difficult to generate any likes. You can add like-minded friends by joining pages and groups of your interest. Start interacting with others on Facebook pages.

If you're unable to build an audience and don't want to add strangers on Facebook, you can start a page. For example, if you post memes and they don't get any likes because your friends list mostly consists of your family, maybe it's time to start a new meme page.

And finally, if you cannot generate likes on Facebook, try switching to another platform. For example, if you like posting your views every couple of hours, Twitter will be a better choice than Facebook.

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania compared language in Facebook statuses with personality questionnaires to see what patterns emerged. The researchers were interested in whether computer analysis of language could reveal age, gender, and personality traits better than traditional psychological tools, which are often self-reported.

Does this mean that all the well-intentioned efforts to make girls want to be smart and boys want to be caring have failed? Or does it just mean that everybody behaves like a stereotype on social media?

When it comes to social justice updates, Facebook is convenient, as it is neither photo-heavy like Instagram nor does it impose a 140-character limit like Twitter. It's also easier for many to share their views over the internet than in real life, a Pew Research Center study shows, since it is less confrontational. The platform's popularity helps, as it has the widest reach: according to Pew, Facebook is the "most-widely used" among major social media platforms.

Additionally, Facebook cracked down on "like-baiting" in 2014 in an effort to declutter the News Feed. The social media giant defines like-baiting as "when a post explicitly asks News Feed readers to like, comment or share the post in order to get additional distribution beyond what the post would normally receive." If the algorithm change is still in effect, then Facebook can detect the call for action to "share" a status and make sure it is not as prominently displayed in users' News Feed.

Copying and pasting may reach more people and be less likely to get penalized by Facebook, but it is more difficult to assess how many people have spread the word. When a post is shared, there is a running count on the bottom left corner that shows how many other people have shared a post. But there's no way to keep count with a manual copy and paste so it is hard to determine how effective the status update is.

A recent study has reinforced what many already suspected - people who constantly post Facebook status updates about their relationships are insecure, while people who post about their gym sessions and healthy meals are egotistical.

The research, conducted by Brunel University in London, suggests that those who are insecure regularly post updates about their relationship status in order to garner attention, and likes, in order to disctract from their own feelings of insecurity. Conversely, egotists tend to post about their achievements in order to get the boost of likes and comments, reinforcing their sense of self. In this sense, the Facebook eco-system can form a sort of validation for personality traits and types.

So is this a good thing? Should we be validating egotism through the endorsement of Likes and comments? Do we really 'like' such updates, or do we simply interact with them as a form of support? Such questions formed the basis for this research, and frame the greater context around the psychology of Facebook and what it means in a wider sense.

In a previous, and controversial, study, Facebook researchers found that by manipulating the News Feeds of users, they were able to affect the moods of the users themselves. The data scientists restricted the content shown to more than 689,000 users, removing either positive or negative updates from their feeds in order to see how those actions influenced the content posted by the affected parties. The result? The study found that the inputs people received, via their News Feeds, did, absolutely, affect their moods. People were outraged when the results were made public, with many criticising Facebook for actively manipulating the emotional states of their users - users whom they could not possible know the emotional states of. What if they'd brought down the mood of someone who was already depressed?

Does it matter if we know the background, the why, of why users post certain things on Facebook? It's of interest, of course, many users see positive updates from friends, like a positive relationship status update, and they'll invariably compare their own scenario to the poster, often times negatively. We've all experienced this in some way, seeing how well other people are doing and comparing our own situation in a 'grass is always greener' type scenario. This latest research underlines that Facebook updates are not necessarily 100% reflective of the reality of a situation. People post in order to get a reaction - people post about their health regimen in order to get positive reinforcement, about their relationships because they crave support. While to the plain observer it may seem that these people have it all, it's important to consider that everyone posts selectively, what you're seeing is not necessarily an all-inclusive documentation of that users' life.

Social media data can reveal more about consumer needs and wants than any form of research ever created before it. Social listening and data analysis is essential practice - if research like this doesn't underline the value of this, I'm not sure what can.

A Facebook status is a feature that allows users to post and share a small amount of content on their profile, on their friends' walls and in Facebook news feeds. A user's Facebook status may be updated using the "Update Status" bar that appears at the top of the user's homepage and profile page. User's often use this space for updates about their day or to post clever quips; website, video and photos can also be shared this way.

Facebook status is one of the key interactive features on Facebook. It allows users to receive information about what their friends are doing, reading, watching or thinking, and provides opportunities for friends to comment and interact based on what is shared. Updates can be shared from a Web browser, mobile site or through text message. 2ff7e9595c

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